Copyright © 2003 GeneX Team, UMass Boston. All rights reserved.

Initial Requirements Specifications Document

(Note : Initial Requirements Specifications Document with customer for review)

I. Brief

This document forms the requirement specification of GenExplorer. The text to follow shall delineate the scope and the specifics of the proposed product. This document shall cover most of the details of the system that we shall try to model and implement as a part of the project.

II. Project Description

1. Product Perspective

The idea behind the project is to help beginning biology students understand the central dogma of molecular biology in an interactive way. The gene expression process is a very important concept, which is a necessity for every beginning biology student. This application is build keeping in mind that the end user of this application would have minimum computer skills. So, a lot of thought has been put in its user interface design. There are a couple of tutorials available on World Wide Web, which shows the gene expression process. But what they lack is user interaction. In this application the student can input a gene sequence of his/her choice and visualize the entire gene expression process. 

We propose to develop new software that shall be platform independent thus allowing any user working on any platform to learn gene expression. Our product is in no way competing against any product currently available in the market today. But yes, we shall be competing in terms of the higher standards of quality that our product will try to deliver.

2. Project Scope

GenExplorer (or GeneX for short) shall allow students to simulate the gene expression process. This software shall be distributed with a public license and shall be available for download from a dedicated website. For further elucidation on the proposed project scope refer to the following: Vision

3. Vision Statement

GenExplorer is a simulation that provides an opportunity for beginning students to understand the “central dogma” of molecular biology. The process by which information is extracted from the nucleotide sequence of a gene and used to make a protein is essentially the same for all living things on Earth and is described by the grandly named “central dogma” of molecular biology. The goal of this application is to help students visualize this very important concept. GenExplorer provides a graphically interactive environment for the students to interpret the information encoded in a DNA sequence. 

In order to interpret the information in a DNA sequence, the students input the sequence into GenExplorer. The program then starts scanning the sequence for promoter and terminator and graphically displays every step of gene expression (transcription, splicing and translation) from a nucleotide sequence into protein. GenExplorer provides students with the freedom to mutate a nucleotide sequence and track the effect of mutation down to the protein sequence. Students would also be able to visually interpret the involvement of a nucleotide base or a protein in each step of the entire process of gene expression.  

GenExplorer can be run in either strict mode (where single sequence exactly match - for easier interpretation) or relaxed mode (where mismatches are allowed – a closer simulation of real life). 

GenExplorer is designed such that even a naïve computer user can smoothly navigate and use all the features of the application. Other important software features include:

·         extreme robustness and reliability since it will be used by beginning students.

·         platform independence and ability to run on any browser application

·         easy-to-use and colorful/animated GUI

GenExplorer when completed will be used by over 350 biology students a year in UMass itself.  GenExplorer is being designed and developed by a team of final year graduate students of Computer Science Department at UMass Boston.

4. Development methodology (Design and Implementation Constraints)

The initial idea was conceived with a web-based application in mind. Because there is no request to access a database, save and open works, there will no back end design in this project. All of the possible operations on this application will be done on a major browser.  The system will be developed restrictedly with MVC model as matter of doing small release and designing an open system. (more…)

5. Product Release

5.1 User’s Documentation

The product will be essentially shipped as a single component. It will be shipped with User-manuals written in both .txt and .html format. The .html format will actually be available centrally from the Product Release and Distribution web site.


III. Expected Users of the System

1. Assumptions and Dependencies

During the course of the projects various factors could play their role in restricting the achievable requirements. To this end the only visible factor that could account for this is time.  We would be changing the requirements if at all we do think it is imperative based on the amount of time available to complete the project on time.

We also take the following as assumed:

a. The user has access to the web

b.  User has basic skills of using computer and basic Internet surfing skills.

2. Users

Beginner level biology students as well as intermediate level biology students will well identify with our software’s targeted audience. There is another class of user that is in the form of an administrator (i.e. the instructor) who will handle the various types of default parameters for students to work with. Both classes of users identified above are not expected to be computer literate. Being totally computer illiterate shall not prevent them from using the software.

IV. System Requirement

1. External Interface Requirement

1.1 User Interface


2. Functional Requirement

2.1 Instructor Side

    The administrator side of GenExplorer will allow the user to do the following:

·         Specify the default gene sequence

·         Specify the default promoter and terminator sequence

·         Specify the number of protein required for a successful completion of the assignment

·         Use help on any of the above stated functionality and UI components.

2.2 Student Side

    The student side of GeneX will allow for the user to do the following:

·         Input a new gene sequence

·         Edit the base

·         Highlight any base/protein in the gene expression process

·         Print the work to a printer or to a file

·         Work under interactive mode

·         Work under relaxed mode

·         Use help on any of the above stated functionality and UI components

·         Invoke balloon help on any clickable component in the software

 3. Nonfunctional Requirement

The qualitative characteristics that GeneX will address no matter what are

Robustness: The software must not crash under any conceivable conditions.

Reliability: The software must be accurate

Portability: The software must work on any platform

V. System Features

The features that this product aims to provide shall be illustrated in the form of use-cases. The use-cases are divided into two parts on the basis of the kind of user it addresses (i.e. user as a student or a user as an administrator).

VI. Hardware and Software Environment

1. Operating System

Platform independence has probably been the big mantra behind this project. Needless to say, the product would be web based and would be able to run on any kind of browser and all major operating systems like Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac.

2. Hardware Requirements

3. Miscellaneous

To allow for GenExplorer to send user’s work as e-mail the system should have:

·         Internet connectivity

·         E-mail client

Appendix A: Glossary


An applet is a small program that is intended not to be run on its own, but rather to be embedded inside another application. For further information refer Java 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.4.1


Graphical user interface


A Unix based Operating System


A brand of PC


An Operating System


A computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network


Version of Microsoft Windows Operating System


World Wide Web

Appendix B: Analysis Models