Copyright © 2003 GeneX Team, UMass Boston. All rights reserved.
11/25   11/21   11/20   11/13   11/12   11/06   11/05   11/04
Date : November 25,2003 Place : S-2-062
Start Time: 0345pm End Time : 0515pm
Attendees :
Professor Ethan Bolker, Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Discussed the "Hello World" part of the application. 
Decided to identify some parts and start working on them first.
Chitra will write java classes to read the config. file in a predefined format, parse and fill the data in the application.
Ziping would code the "Codon Table" part which takes three nucleotide bases as input and produces the corresponding amino acid.
Sumana would make an applet for the UI which can take a string as input and has all the buttons displayed, generate complementary DNA strand, mapped to scale, and a small part of highlighting which highlights the clicked nucleotide base.
Prasoon would write the driver class, gene class, gene expression class and Transcription class.
Decided to integrate these parts (except Ziping's which would be used after mRNA sequence is generated) from December 11 to December 20.
We discussed the UI with Professor Ethan Bolker and he gave us some good suggestions.  a) We haven't figured out when the complementary strand would be displayed in the UI. b) What happens when something other than A,C,T,G is typed in by the user (either give error message each time or does not allow the user to type in anything other than A,C,T,G). c) Error Messages : how to respond to errors made by the user. d) Performance Issues : Consider the time taken for the applet to be downloaded first time. Caching for it to load fast next time. e) UNDO feature. Undo can be used once to undo the editing part. So the previous nucleotide should be stored always. f) Keeping in mind the risk of allowing the users to make errors as it is an educational project which would be difficult for software engineers as we would develop applications where we don't want our users to find errors in the application. g) Since the Biology Labs have older version of Java Run Time environment, we have to write code which will not look as pretty if we have coded in new version of Java.
Date : November 21,2003 Place : NT Lab
Start Time: 0600pm End Time : 0800pm
Attendees :
Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Team discussed the use cases once again after yesterday's client meeting and made sure everyone is clear with all cases.
Since our application is a single tier application, there is no architectural design involved. So we started working on CRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) cards. We came up with initial ideas on classes and their responsibilities keeping in view Model-View-Controller design. We would discuss more in our next team meeting.
Date : November 20,2003 Place : Biology Lab
Start Time: 0345pm End Time : 0445pm
Attendees :
Professor Brian White, Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Discussed the last version of use cases (version 3) with customer together so that everything till now is clear.
Discussed the User Interface which has been modified based on suggestions given by the client in Client Meeting - 3. Our customer is happy with User Interface Prototypes and said it is exactly how he wanted.
Discussed about the Pro's and Con's of Config file structure. 
Date : November 13,2003 Place : S-2-062
Start Time: 0405pm End Time : 0445pm
Attendees :
Professor Ethan Bolker, Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Sumana will test a simple Java application using Swings and AWT in Java1.4, Java 1.2 and Java 1.1 versions. 
We will then test the same application in Biology lab and note the specifications of the operating system and the browsers.
Prasoon will email Professor White requesting for permission to test the computers in the Biology Lab.
In our next client meeting we would submit the Requirement Analysis document, discuss more on the User Interfaces such that they are ready for Usability study we will be doing soon, discuss again about the config. file with the client and provide him with the options and discuss the error messages to be used in the application.
Professor Bolker suggested to use XML for generating the config. file. We would present this idea to customer and explain him about the editor he has to use to ensure correct sequences are entered as there would be no way to check except to run the application and see. Otherwise,  if the customer is interested in having a user interface as we discussed in our last client meeting, we can provide error checking and ensure correct sequences are sent to the application.
Date : November 12,2003 Place : GRC Lab
Start Time: 0730pm End Time : 0900pm
Attendees :
Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Checked out and solved the problem of " over limit space" that we had while using CVS.
Team reviewed all the use cases which were updated based on our last client meeting. The discussion was useful as there were some important changes and some more points that had been disclosed and clarified.
Reviewed the User Interfaces which were updated based on our last client meeting. 
Date : November 6,2003 Place : Biology Lab
Start Time: 0330pm End Time : 0430pm
Attendees :
Professor Brian White, Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
                     Summary of Client Meeting - 3
Date : November 5,2003 Place : GRC Lab
Start Time: 0745pm End Time : 0900pm
Attendees :
Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
Discussed again on the Requirements Analysis Document to be discussed in the client meeting on November 6.
Got the customers review on version2 of Use Cases. We will be discussing the Use Cases with the customer tomorrow.
Team members doubts on using TortoiseCVS were discussed and cleared.
Discussed the initial UI sketches to be discussed with client tomorrow.
Date : November 4,2003 Place : S-2-062
Start Time: 0400pm End Time : 0515pm
Attendees :
Professor Ethan Bolker, Prasoon Kejriwal, Ziping Zhu, Chitra Karki, Sumana Adma
Discussion :
CVS established at CS UMASS by Prasoon and team decided that each member would start using it.
Discussed on the first version of Requirements Analysis Document prepared by Ziping and Prasoon.
Discussed on the development tool, thought of doing it in Java but looking for other tools that have better features. 
Discussed the agenda for the next client meeting on Thursday November 6. We will mainly be discussing the first paper prototype version of the UI design for the application and the Initial Requirement Document. 
Discussed on small releases of the application with customers approval. 
Have seen the basic folding application written by Professor Bolker and got some ideas about the folding part of the application.